One Woman...Too Many Pounds

I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I grew up fat and in college I became Morbidly Obese! I was able to loose over 70lbs on my own with diet and exercise in my early twenties. Unfortunately; I encountered a major setback for me...a cheating boyfriend; which led me to stop going to the gym and I, again, used food for comfort. At my heaviest I was over 320lbs. The day I had gastric bypass surgery (5-5-05) I weight 292.2 lbs. After surgery I lost 108# at my lowest weight; which also happened to be when I met my husband. I would bounce back and forth about 20lbs and the day I was engaged (1.18.09) I weighed 210 lbs. I joined the gym and knew I needed and wanted to loose weight before my wedding. The day of my wedding (8.14.09) I weighed 192lbs, when I came home from my honey moon 1 week later I weight 184lbs! I felt sexy and thin and happy. Oct 26th 2009 I had gained about 10-15 lbs back and had a positive pregnancy test. Our beautiful blessing; Emma Paige Morris was born 6.19.10. I gained 65+ lbs during my pregnancy, weighing in at 265lbs the day I delievered. 3.5 months later I got back on my weight loss goals and lost 20lbs immediately. My baby girl is now 8 months old and I am STUCK at 222.2 lbs! I am 18lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight (well first trimester weight really) and 40lbs away from my post-honeymoon weight. I am struggling with this journey and thought maybe, maybe I can find kindred souls to share this journey with and maybe even help others in the process. I really, Really wanted to be back to my post-honeymoon weight on my 2yr anniversary (8.14.11). That date is only 5.5 months away; approximately 8lbs a month. Seems resonable but I am struggling. Please Join me on my journey. Share your own; commiserate with me and lets support each other as we become healthy and active. I know I will never be a skinny-minnie, I will probably never wear a size smaller than 12-14; but I want and need to be healthy and active for my little girl. I do NOT want to be an embarraseement to her; like my parents were/are to me because of their size, health, and inactivity.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Scale - My Nemesis

First thing every morning I get up, go pee, get naked, and walk over to my scale.   Its a good scale, its new, pretty even, Biggest Loser endorsed.  I stand there for a second or two contemplating how I'm going to feel about this.  Sometimes I think "i really don't want to get on there" those are usually the days where I overindulged the night before, other times i think "i feel good about seeing a lower number" those are the mornings after I had a couple really good diet and exercise days.  My scale sometimes is evil, other times a goddess.  I'm so torn.

Lately my scale has been my nemesis...stuck at 222.2 - those damn twos...what's the deal with the twos.  Are my scale and the numbers conspiring against me during the night?!

Some people weigh themselves daily (I do, it helps keep me on track), some once a week or every other, some people do it when they think about it and some people never weigh themselves regardless of whether or not they have a scale at home. 

I wonder...are the non weighers happier than the weighers? And if they are, is it because ignorance is bliss or because they don't care about the conspiring numbers?

I ate too many carbs today...tomorrow morning the scale and I will have a stand off  - the scale will win and I'll step on it...the conspiring numbers will pop up and then I will have to decide how I feel about it; and go forward from there?


  1. Hey Becky
    here is what I have learned. Weight does not define who we are. If I don't like what the scales tells me I just try to focus on some good qualities I Have. I hardly weigh myself though for personal reasons. But get high anxiety when I do or a doctor weighs me. It's just silly. ;) if my husband still thinks I'm hot then I'm good. Lol. But I think you looked beautiful.

  2. Whoops that last line is supposed to say, I think you look beautiful! Stupid phone ;)

  3. Well first thing I will say is you are already limiting yourself by saying you'll prob never get under a size12-14. What if everyone thought like that, what if I did?? You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!
    As you know womens weight fluctuates so often that daily weighting wont give you a consistantly accurate number. Just make you feel bad. All the fad diets, exercises and diet pills wont make a damn bit of difference if you don't address WHY there is over eating.
    Just someones 2cents whose been there! Love ya, stay strong!

  4. I would have to agree with Jen. You are putting some pretty big limits on yourself with saying you won't ever get under a certain size. Also, some big expectations with daily weighing, hoping the number will read something lower than it does and then being discouraged when it's not a number you want to see. I may have my head up my a** because weight loss is not an area of expertise for me, or even something I've had to deal with. To me, I know some people weight themselves everyday but weighing in weekly may loosen up the expectations and increase the results? Does that make sense?

  5. you are already limiting yourself by saying you'll prob never get under a size12-14. What if everyone thought like that, what if I did??...daily weighting wont give you a consistantly accurate number. Just make you feel bad. All the fad diets, exercises and diet pills wont make a damn bit of difference if you don't address WHY there is over eating.

    Jen...I feel this comment is a little assumptuous. First I don't think I'm limiting myself, I am ok with size 12/14, I was there at my lowest and surprising I was happy with that. Second, everyone weighs themselves on a schedule that works for them; I NEED to weigh myself everyday because that is what helps me stay on track; knowing i'll be getting on the scale the next day...I am fully aware that it is entiring accurate, that women's weights fluctuate and that the numbers ARE NOt going to go down every day...but I need something to help keep me on track that is what i've found for myself. Third, I'm not doing a fad diet; i haven't done a fad diet since prior to my surgery, I know the supplements I take aren't going to make me loose weight but they do help me control my appetite which I need and actual help increase my energy because of the green tea extract and hoodia in them. FOrth, who said i overeat? I physically CANT overeat. My problem as i stated is not always choosing the right foods and eating when I'm not hungry/emotional eating.

    I am sorry if this reply comment sounds defensive but I was slightly offended by your comments and assumptions. I appreciate suggestions and talk but to me your comment came off as if you are "telling me" i'm doing everything wrong...and that bothers me.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Are you going to take those pills for the rest of your life?? Because when you go of them and haven't learned to control your eating the weight will come back. Overeating.....yes that means consuming too many calories weather it be in one sitting or throughout the day. If we are being "honest and blunt" here I do believe that even after that procedure it is possible to stretch the stomach out so that overeating is possible.
    I was trying to give my opinion, which I thought was a goal of this blog thing. When you read words on a screen it can be interpreted incorrectly.
    I don't think you would've been as offended if the person posting wasn't your sister.

  8. Actually what bothers me most is someone who when I once asked them "how did you loose your weight" and replied "you don't want to know" implying to me that it was an unhealthy way (starvation, over exercise, and purging) and who uses diuretics to loose water addition if I'm being are skinny yet you freaked out about 10lbs for months constatnly talking to me about it while I'm actually fat and trying to loose weight to be healthy....was that blunt enough? BTW this isn't the "tell it like it is" board...this is about weight loss and supporting people not being rude, or aruging for God's sake.

    Yes you can overstretch the stomach to overeat after gastric bypass...i know my stomach as streched since the time i had the surgery (6 years ago) but I am still unable to eat even a "normal" amount of food without becoming sick.


Please feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, suggestions, concerns or share your stories. Please remember that weight loss is an emotionally laden kind...if you can't...don't leave any comments.