One Woman...Too Many Pounds

I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I grew up fat and in college I became Morbidly Obese! I was able to loose over 70lbs on my own with diet and exercise in my early twenties. Unfortunately; I encountered a major setback for me...a cheating boyfriend; which led me to stop going to the gym and I, again, used food for comfort. At my heaviest I was over 320lbs. The day I had gastric bypass surgery (5-5-05) I weight 292.2 lbs. After surgery I lost 108# at my lowest weight; which also happened to be when I met my husband. I would bounce back and forth about 20lbs and the day I was engaged (1.18.09) I weighed 210 lbs. I joined the gym and knew I needed and wanted to loose weight before my wedding. The day of my wedding (8.14.09) I weighed 192lbs, when I came home from my honey moon 1 week later I weight 184lbs! I felt sexy and thin and happy. Oct 26th 2009 I had gained about 10-15 lbs back and had a positive pregnancy test. Our beautiful blessing; Emma Paige Morris was born 6.19.10. I gained 65+ lbs during my pregnancy, weighing in at 265lbs the day I delievered. 3.5 months later I got back on my weight loss goals and lost 20lbs immediately. My baby girl is now 8 months old and I am STUCK at 222.2 lbs! I am 18lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight (well first trimester weight really) and 40lbs away from my post-honeymoon weight. I am struggling with this journey and thought maybe, maybe I can find kindred souls to share this journey with and maybe even help others in the process. I really, Really wanted to be back to my post-honeymoon weight on my 2yr anniversary (8.14.11). That date is only 5.5 months away; approximately 8lbs a month. Seems resonable but I am struggling. Please Join me on my journey. Share your own; commiserate with me and lets support each other as we become healthy and active. I know I will never be a skinny-minnie, I will probably never wear a size smaller than 12-14; but I want and need to be healthy and active for my little girl. I do NOT want to be an embarraseement to her; like my parents were/are to me because of their size, health, and inactivity.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Damnit Red Lobster...or...damnit ME?

Last night my husband and I did an impromptu dinner at red lobster.  I was very pleased with myself that day because I finally broke free of the conspiring 222.2 on my scale!  I was too happy and let myself eat "whatever" that was not my initial plan but it certainly happened.  So This morning I had a brief stare down with my scale; knowing it would be up from the previous morning but also knowing I needed to do it. Yes it was up and yes I knew it was only myself I had to blame. 

So what did I do?  Wallow in self pity, anger and despair...or pick myself up and make up for it?  Yes I am going to make mistakes in this journey and there will be times I will stumble.  I think the biggest lesson in those moments is not completely falling; grabbing my balance and resuming a healthy diet/lifestyle

So I put on my gym clothes, packed my gym bag to shower there before work and headed to the gym!  I did 45min on the elliptical (plus 5min cool down) and a 15min quick upper body circuit.

It felt good and I was proud of myself for recognizing my mistake and moving forward instead of falling down and sitting there waiting for some other thing, or pick ME back up.

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