One Woman...Too Many Pounds

I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I grew up fat and in college I became Morbidly Obese! I was able to loose over 70lbs on my own with diet and exercise in my early twenties. Unfortunately; I encountered a major setback for me...a cheating boyfriend; which led me to stop going to the gym and I, again, used food for comfort. At my heaviest I was over 320lbs. The day I had gastric bypass surgery (5-5-05) I weight 292.2 lbs. After surgery I lost 108# at my lowest weight; which also happened to be when I met my husband. I would bounce back and forth about 20lbs and the day I was engaged (1.18.09) I weighed 210 lbs. I joined the gym and knew I needed and wanted to loose weight before my wedding. The day of my wedding (8.14.09) I weighed 192lbs, when I came home from my honey moon 1 week later I weight 184lbs! I felt sexy and thin and happy. Oct 26th 2009 I had gained about 10-15 lbs back and had a positive pregnancy test. Our beautiful blessing; Emma Paige Morris was born 6.19.10. I gained 65+ lbs during my pregnancy, weighing in at 265lbs the day I delievered. 3.5 months later I got back on my weight loss goals and lost 20lbs immediately. My baby girl is now 8 months old and I am STUCK at 222.2 lbs! I am 18lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight (well first trimester weight really) and 40lbs away from my post-honeymoon weight. I am struggling with this journey and thought maybe, maybe I can find kindred souls to share this journey with and maybe even help others in the process. I really, Really wanted to be back to my post-honeymoon weight on my 2yr anniversary (8.14.11). That date is only 5.5 months away; approximately 8lbs a month. Seems resonable but I am struggling. Please Join me on my journey. Share your own; commiserate with me and lets support each other as we become healthy and active. I know I will never be a skinny-minnie, I will probably never wear a size smaller than 12-14; but I want and need to be healthy and active for my little girl. I do NOT want to be an embarraseement to her; like my parents were/are to me because of their size, health, and inactivity.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Sabotager

We all have one.  Someone who sabotages our diet.  Sometimes this person does it without realizing, sometimes they do it intentionally; maybe because they are jealous or just mean.

My primary sabotager is my husband.  I know he doesn't mean to do it; he just doesn't think about my "dietary restrictions" when he is selecting food for both of us.  Example.  Tonight he went out to get us something to eat from the grocery store (we are running dangerously low on groceries) he comes home with gourmet soup - yes I know what you are think yum...i was thinking yum too and then I was thinking Shit...there is going to be way WAY too much sodium in that for me.  Next item roasted garlic humus - good choice...but tortilla chips to dip in it?  I can't eat chips! They are full of empty calories, fat, and sodium.

So in his attempt to be sweet and thoughtful; he is unknowingly sabotaging me!  How do we stop this? I try to draw it to his attention that I can't eat those things but it doesn't seem to sink in.  The big one is that I eat very limited carbs and only complex carbs...he forgets this alot and says "want jimmy johns for dinner" hell yes i do...but I can't....or "can you eat pasta" i can but I shouldn't.  Carbs are like a layer of fat to my body; they just stick right to my thighs, hips, butt and stomach...not good.

Its hard to live with someone who is sabotaging your diet; even unknowingly..but what makes it even harder is watching what he eats, chips, crackers, sandwiches with mayo, cheese and ham, candy, chocolate, lots of ice cream, stauffers frozen dinners...yep they all sound delish to me, they are in our cabinets and fridge and they are sometimes hard to resist...I've asked him not to buy that "crap" because it is hard for me to not eat it but he buys it anyway.  I wish he would diet with me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Dilemma - Dining Out

So all of us who have been on a specific diet plan or weight loss plan know the dilemma of dining out.  But at some point in this journey we all face it!  I don't know about the rest of you, but when faced with dining out, especially when I'm  doing well with my eating habits; I get a little anxious about it.  What will I order?  How far off my diet will it take me?  Will there be any healthy options there?  What do I do?

This past Friday we went out to a Mexican restaurant for my sister's birthday.  Mexican...yum...damnit...a salad is not an option.  So I thought about it and I briefly considering not worrying about it but I didn't want to do that so I developed a plan.

Plan part 1 - go to the gym and do a vigorous elliptical workout after work (I was limited on time because dinner was at 6, 45min away and I didn't get off work till 330) so I did 30 min on the elliptical. Part 1 accomplished.

Plan part 2 - I had once read somewhere that the fajita choice at a Mexican restaurant is the healthiest option don't eat a lot of the tortilla, no sour cream and no guacamole.  So I developed a menu plan.  Order the fajitas, fish if possible for lower cal/fat protein and is where it gets weird.  A: bring my own tortillas. I had some multi grain flat wrap thingies that were only 100 cal and huge, so I took 2 of them, cut them in half to make "round tortillas" and put them in a plastic bag.  B: Avoid sour cream...So I like Greek yogurt and when you don't add anything sweet to it it makes a great low cal low fat and high protein sour cream so...I put some into a four once container (used be baby food) knowing that would be only 60cals if I even used it all.  C: Avoid gauc. (darn :(  ).  So I got a fresh avocado which is full of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids and healthy fats, I cut it in have and diced one half and put it in another contained to use instead of Guac. 

At the restaurant I felt a little silly with my own sides, but lucky for my I had them in my baby girls food bad with her stuff so i t sort of just looked like it was mine.  The first thing I did was get rid of the Guac; give my niece the tortillas from the restaurant and carefully pick the tomatoes out of the sour cream.  I used my own tortillas, Greek yogurt and avocado and made a healthier version of their tortilla.  Part 2 accomplished

So, the main lesson learned is that yes, we can enjoy dining out without simply ordering a boring salad with low fat or fat/free dressing.  You may feel silly or stupid but you know what, you being more healthy and true to yourself! 

So; enjoy dining out and make a plan ahead of time, and STICK TO IT! 
If you want a drink, i recommend limiting yourself to one...just one...and not one Gigantic one, and not a long island iced tea (over 750 cals in one long island).  Wine is a descent choice, especially red.  Another good option is a sprite or diet sprite with clear rum or vodka...only 1 though peeps!

Good luck on your next dining out adventure and feel free to share your dining out ideas/tips while trying to loose weight!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9 months on... 9 months off?

A few months ago I had set a goal for myself (which I shared only with my BBC little sunshine girls) that I wanted to be back to my pre-preg weight by Emma's 9 month bday.  That is in 10 days.  So today I had my daily date with the scale (which amazingly I was looking forward to) and am down to 213.8! WHOOP WHOOP; I'm really starting to love the GYM!

Anyway, my pre-preg weight was 204 (argh) so 9lbs in 10 days.  Is it even do able?  I seem to be in a period of rapid weight loss, perhaps all the exercise and my healthy eating habits are finally kicking in my body and using up its fat (it has a lot more to use up).  So, I'm going to do my best to take advantage of it while it lasts.  The next 10 days I will be focusing on going to the gym 4-5 days a week (instead of 3-4) and maintaining my "diet" despite any possible set backs/obstacles I may face (dinner out etc).  Hopefully, and with a lot of hard work and dedication, you will all see post by me on the 19th that says "YES GOAL #1 ATTAINED!!!". 

You might be wondering what Goal #2 is?  I also shared this with my girls.  I want to be back down to my post-honeymoon weight by my 2 year anniversary.  So will be aiming to loose an additional 20# by August 14th.  I think I can do it and I have additional incentive now...My BBC Lil sunshine girls and myself are going to meet in person in LAS VEGAS BABY, for a short mommy retreat, during which time we plan to lounge by the pools and relax.  Well; pools mean swim suits, I didn't necessarily feel "hot" in my swim suits on my honeymoon, but at least they fit and I wasn't "embarrassed" in them. 

OK followers...whose with me?  Come on ladies, I've gonna a lot of support from you all but I'd like for those who want, need, and are willing to join me!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Take that Scale - I'm your Nemesis now!

Finally...bye bye 222.2.  I have conquered you, your clear and silver nice looking piece of torture!

Yes I hit 217.4 this morning...thank goodness. I am now 13.4 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight!  I went to the gym tonight and other than the moron talking on his damn cell phone on the treadmill annoying me; it felt great!

I also repeated my measurements tonight.  The last time I did them was 3 weeks ago.  I measure my neck, upper arm, ribcage, waist, hips, thigh, calf and ankle and I am proud to say I have lost a total of 7.5 inches in 3 weeks!!  Whoop Whoop!

So I don't really have anything witty to write tonight but I wanted to share my small measure of success with all my followers to encourage and inspire you guys!  Please feel free to share your recent successes too!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Damnit Red Lobster...or...damnit ME?

Last night my husband and I did an impromptu dinner at red lobster.  I was very pleased with myself that day because I finally broke free of the conspiring 222.2 on my scale!  I was too happy and let myself eat "whatever" that was not my initial plan but it certainly happened.  So This morning I had a brief stare down with my scale; knowing it would be up from the previous morning but also knowing I needed to do it. Yes it was up and yes I knew it was only myself I had to blame. 

So what did I do?  Wallow in self pity, anger and despair...or pick myself up and make up for it?  Yes I am going to make mistakes in this journey and there will be times I will stumble.  I think the biggest lesson in those moments is not completely falling; grabbing my balance and resuming a healthy diet/lifestyle

So I put on my gym clothes, packed my gym bag to shower there before work and headed to the gym!  I did 45min on the elliptical (plus 5min cool down) and a 15min quick upper body circuit.

It felt good and I was proud of myself for recognizing my mistake and moving forward instead of falling down and sitting there waiting for some other thing, or pick ME back up.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Damn Pants

Ok, I have 2 pairs of jeans that fit me right now.  One fits fine the other pair is too big.  I have 2 pairs of casual pants I wear for clinical, they are a bit too big for me right now and my damn ass is saggy in them but I really really don't want to buy another pair now when it won't fit me soon and I have other pants I can use in clinical but they're too small right now.  Damn Pants!

On another note about clothing.. Why the hell can't all the brands actually be the same damn size!  This morning I was getting dressed for clinical and wanted to wear my new Mossimo shit...its at size XXL and the damn thing didn't fit right, a little tight on the tummy but the arms were way too tight. So I'm standing there looking at all my clothes that don't fit and see another shirt that would go cute with my pants and pull it off the hanger.  Its Merona, also a brand at target and its a size L. I'm thinking, right like this is gonna fit me; but I put it on anyway and WTF it fits....can someone please explain to me why one brands XXL is too small and anothers L is just fine.  I really think that all clothing companies need to get together and make their sizes the same....thats just crazy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sweat it Out

The gym.  Two words that used to terrify me.  Skinny people running in little spandex shorts starring at me making assumptions about why I'm fat and what I'm doing there.  I used to feel like I "had" to go to the gym; that actually made it harder to go.  Now, those two words are my friends

Maybe it was maturing, or becoming a wife and mommy; but now the gym is a place I can find some solitude and me time.  Yes, I like the gym.  Sometimes I still worry what those skinny people are thinking when they look at me walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical; but mostly I know I'm being healthy.  It feels good to take some time to be with myself and think, or walk on the treadmill while I watch a show I enjoy that I would not get to enjoy at home.  Yes the gym is a relaxing place.  I can go there when I need to get out of the house, or get out some frustrations...lifting weights is great for that (although I readily admit I need to do that more often).

So how with my busy schedule do I find time to go to the gym.  Well, I stop by after clinicals (I just found on near my clinical sites; i get a workout in and avoid rush hour traffic before coming home), but even better, I joined the gym right next to the coffee place I study at.  Yep, I have no excuses not to stop in there for at least 20min when I'm done or on my way to study! Sometimes its hard to get the energy and desire up to go on my days at home with Emma.  By the time Dave is home and able to watch her I am usually pretty tired and don't really want to go anywhere, plus working out in the eve tends to keep me awake...I guess what I really need to train is myself to become a morning person and get up early and go...yeah right.

So try to make the gym your friend.  Its really a state of mind...think of it as an escape, make a music playlist that takes you somewhere that reminds you of your honeymoon, or wedding.  Or pick a time when one of your fav shows is on like I do, that you would like to enjoy in peace and work out at the same time!  Not only is it great personal time...but the workout goes by super fast cuz your watching TV...

Now like those silly commercials say..."get up and move it"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Scale - My Nemesis

First thing every morning I get up, go pee, get naked, and walk over to my scale.   Its a good scale, its new, pretty even, Biggest Loser endorsed.  I stand there for a second or two contemplating how I'm going to feel about this.  Sometimes I think "i really don't want to get on there" those are usually the days where I overindulged the night before, other times i think "i feel good about seeing a lower number" those are the mornings after I had a couple really good diet and exercise days.  My scale sometimes is evil, other times a goddess.  I'm so torn.

Lately my scale has been my nemesis...stuck at 222.2 - those damn twos...what's the deal with the twos.  Are my scale and the numbers conspiring against me during the night?!

Some people weigh themselves daily (I do, it helps keep me on track), some once a week or every other, some people do it when they think about it and some people never weigh themselves regardless of whether or not they have a scale at home. 

I wonder...are the non weighers happier than the weighers? And if they are, is it because ignorance is bliss or because they don't care about the conspiring numbers?

I ate too many carbs today...tomorrow morning the scale and I will have a stand off  - the scale will win and I'll step on it...the conspiring numbers will pop up and then I will have to decide how I feel about it; and go forward from there?

Monday, February 28, 2011


What do we do when all the excuses are used up and gone?  Facing the facts would be a good idea.  I am FAT.  I'm not fluffy...well I am; I mean if you poke me there...or here...or there; I'm fluffy.  Yes, I'm plump but I'm not sure who it's pleasing.  Yes my husband does have a nack for shrinking clothing..but I'm still not loosing weight and he can only shrink so much!  Yes school, clinicals, work...they are all stressfull ...but they aren't an excuse for me to eat whatever is around or whatever I want.

I can't keep making up excuses!  I am FAT.  I am OBESE.  This IS NOT healthy.  I DO NOT feel good about myself.  I WANT to feel sexy, healthy, thin.  I WANT to run and play with my daughter as she grows.  Why..WHY! can't I control myself. 

I have lost weight...and gained it back...and lost it again...and gained some of it back.

I've been pregnant and I caved in to every...EVERY craving I had.  and I shoudln't have; because now I'm paying for it

I am sorry if this is TMI for some, but I don't feel sexy,  I dont want to have intimate relations with my husband because I...I  feel disgusting.  These rolls; they aren't sexy.  The jiggles, and the  rolls, ick...and my breasts...OMG not good!

I need to get back on track!   I need to focus on health.  I need to stop stuffing my face when I'm feeling down or depressed and do something else...I need some damn support.

Who's with me?  Who wants to join me on this journey?  We can do it.  Together; we can help encourage, support, and sympathize with one another....

Let's do it...let's get healthy!